Almost 39 and working since the age of 15. Why ? Cause I was born ready to become THE kid who wanted to take care of his family, as being the youngest member. I was born with a mission.
Life ain’t easy and yet it is when you have the courage to unlock yourself.
Dive deep and find answers to previous actions, emotions and thoughts so you can accept everything what’s happening in your ‘inside’ world by studying yourself and then become the person who you supposed to be. Cause you have a mission here in this
Know where it comes from, as a matter of fact there are enough answers we can find by discovering our programmed attitude when we truly want to live our best life.
Are you conscious enough of being you and do you live your life fullest ? That world within you is worth everything as long as you can be committed to yourself without forgetting your worth. GO discover it.
People come and people go as business comes and business may go but everything and everybody has an amount of share for you to grow. Grow my (business)friend and believe that the magic will happen sooner or later.
C10 Media International Agency is already kicking business in her 8th year existence of the company and we still are going strong. We will grow faster but we’ll have to stay conscious and especially humble. Cause when I grow my company grows and everything around me also evolve.
It has been a very nice journey so far with UPS and also downs and I am still looking forward to the future to build a strong entity with stakeholders with the same drive, mindset, power, confidence and added value with a whole amount of ❤️ in creating motion in doing business. As we all connect from the same source it is a lovely challenge to find the similar frequencies to be 1 my ‘business’ friend.
Add value to your company by being THE value. GIVE as much as you can and accept the universe has a bigger plan for you.
My lovely LinkedIN network.
Do you prefer to work with people who adds value to your business ? And also working with professionals who understand how you create a strategic offline and online (media) plan for your company to reach her company goals ?
We have all insights, numbers and we know how your target audience is moving. We work independenty with all the national and international media owners, for you to add more value to grow your businesses.
We add value to your company and we are (more then ready) to tell you how.
If this triggers you to come in motion….
Then it is time to talk about about your business.
Let’s talk while we have a coffee first. ☕️
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